PO Box 484, Pouce Coupe, British Columbia, Canada V0C
Phone (250) 786-5860 or
1-800-255-8225 (Canada-wide) for orders only
e-mail lyaciw@pris.bc.ca
Selecting your Dressage Horse,
80 minutes, $49.95 or rent for $2.50/day (Canadian funds)
- with Hilda Gurney
6-time USET Grand Prix Champion & Olympic Team Bronze Medalist
- For the Beginning and Advanced Rider.
- Analyzes movement and performance of the Dressage
Horse. Discusses qualities necessary for a horse to excel in dressage.
Slow motion and graphics aid the careful analysis of conformation and movement
patterns in a complete range of horses, including a yearling prospect.
Learn how to identify potential through the eyes of a seasoned Olympian.
- Hilda led the American team to the Olynmpic Bronze,
was voted Horsewoman of thge Year in 1976k won the Gold Medal in the 1979
Pan American Games, and cojmpeted in the 1984 Olympics. Hilda holds the
highest level "I" National Judges' Card.
Selecting Hunters and Jumpers,
80 minutes, $49.95 or rent for $2.50/day (Canadian funds)
- with Rodney Jenkins
1987 AGA Rider of the Year, 1987 AHSA Horseman of the Year, Winner of over
75 Grand Prix Competitions, Renowned Judge and Conformation expert
- Analyzes the conformation, movement and performance
of hunters and jumpers for all levels of riders.
- Young horses, working hunters and grand prix
jumpers are evaluated to determine their show ring potential. Learn how
to recongize quality and identify winning potential to select new horses
with confidence and judge the potential of your current horse.
- Slow motion, graphics and fottage from the National
Horse Show aid the detailed anlaysis of over 25 different horses. Conformation
flaws and potential soundness problems are discussed.
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Website by Linda Yaciw, e-mail: lyaciw@pris.bc.ca
Revised March 12/98
Copyright L. Yaciw 1998 - All rights reserved